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If you are a coffee enthusiast who enjoys the perfect cappuccino or latte, you might own a Nespresso Aeroccino 3 milk frother. However, even the best of machines can encounter issues from time to time. If you are experiencing trouble with your Aeroccino 3, don’t worry – you’re not alone. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most common issues that Aeroccino 3 users encounter and provide practical tips and solutions to help you troubleshoot and fix these problems. I will cover everything from no froth to inconsistent froth and overheating. So,  if you want to get the most out of your Aeroccino 3 and enjoy delicious, frothy milk in your coffee drinks, keep reading.


The Nespresso Aeroccino 3 milk frother is a popular and convenient tool for coffee lovers who want to create creamy, frothy milk for their coffee drinks. However, like any machine, the Aeroccino 3 can encounter issues impacting its performance. So, whether you’re a new Aeroccino 3 user or a seasoned coffee lover, this article will help you troubleshoot and fix any issues you may encounter, allowing you to continue enjoying perfectly frothed milk in your favorite coffee drinks.

Getting Started

Before we dive into troubleshooting your Nespresso Aeroccino 3, there are a few essential tools you’ll need to have on hand. These tools will help you diagnose and fix any issues you may encounter with your milk frother, allowing you to continue enjoying your favorite coffee drinks without interruption.

Here are the tools you’ll need:

A Soft-bristled Brush

This tool is essential for cleaning the Aeroccino 3’s frothing whisk. Over time, milk residue can build up on the whisk, causing it to clog and preventing it from frothing properly. A soft-bristled brush to clean the whisk gently can help restore its performance.

A Thermometer

A thermometer is a useful tool for diagnosing issues with overheating. If your Aeroccino 3 is overheating, it can cause the milk to scorch and create an unpleasant smell. A thermometer is used to determine the temperature of the milk, and it can help you identify if overheating is the problem.

Vinegar Or A Milk Frother Cleaner

Over time, the Aeroccino 3’s interior can become coated with milk residue, affecting its performance. Vinegar or a milk frother cleaner can help remove this buildup and restore the machine’s performance.

These tools are beneficial for troubleshooting the Nespresso Aeroccino 3 because they help diagnose and fix common issues that users encounter, such as clogged frothing whisk, overheating, and milk residue buildup. With these tools on hand, you’ll be better equipped to maintain and troubleshoot your Aeroccino 3, ensuring it delivers perfectly frothed milk for your coffee drinks.

Possible Problems A User of Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Can Face

Here are some of the most common problems that a user of Nespresso Aeroccino 3 may encounter:

  • No froth or inconsistent froth
  • Overheating
  • Milk burning or scorching
  • The Machine not turning on or shutting off unexpectedly
  • Frother whisk clogged or not spinning properly
  • Milk not heating or heating too slowly
  • The frother lid is not closing properly
  • Residue buildup inside the machine
  • Whisk attachment or other parts missing or broken
  • Water leaking from the bottom of the frother

These problems can be frustrating for Aeroccino 3 users but can often be fixed with simple troubleshooting steps. In the following sections, we’ll explore these issues in more detail and provide tips and solutions to help you get your milk frother back in working order.

Related: Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Review

Problem #1 Why Is My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Not Starting?

It’s early morning, and you need your milk drink to kickstart your day; plug in your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 to start frothing milk, but contrary to your thoughts, it won’t start. Your attempts to start your frother are unsuccessful; some underlying issue might prevent it from turning on. But don’t panic; If you are trying to figure out what is causing your Aeroccino 3 not to start working, you are in the right spot to get the answer. Let’s explore the reasons and the possible solutions listed below.

Cause1:  Aeroccino’s Main Switch Is Off

Your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 fails to start because the main switch at the base of your frother is in the Off position. The power supply will not reach your frother if the main switch is off. Can you expect an electrical appliance to start working without a power supply? It’s impossible, and you can only froth milk once the frother begins working.

How To Fix It: Turn On The Main Switch

Thirteen Most Common Problems Of Nespresso Aeroccino 3: Troubleshooting Tips And Solutions, Why Is My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Not Starting, How to turn on the switch.

To get your frother to start working, turn the main switch of the base in the On position. Once you turn the main switch On, the LED light at the bottom becomes green, indicating the milk frother is receiving the power supply. Thus, your frother is operational, and you can start frothing milk. If this solution doesn’t help, check the other causes and answers below.

Cause2: Incorrect Position Of Milk Jug

Your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 frother is not starting because you have not positioned the milk jug correctly on the base. If the jug is not in its right place, your frother cannot detect the presence of the jug and may not start working.

How To Fix It: Position The Jug Correctly

Thirteen Most Common Problems Of Nespresso Aeroccino 3: Troubleshooting Tips And Solutions, Why Is My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Not Starting, How to set the position of jug.

Remove the jug and reposition it correctly on the base to activate your frother. Ensure the milk jug is not tilted and off-center, as it could hinder the frother from starting its operation. Once you finish positioning the jug on the base, you will see the LED light turn green, and you can begin frothing milk.

If your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 frother is not starting, it could be due to the incorrect attachment of the whisk in the base of the jug.

How To Fix It: Attach The Whisk Firmly

Thirteen Most Common Problems Of Nespresso Aeroccino 3: Troubleshooting Tips And Solutions, Why Is My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Not Starting, How to attach the whisk.

To fix this issue, you need to reattach the whisk. First, detach the whisk from the base of the jug and reattach it firmly so your frother can detect the attachment of the whisk and ready-to-froth milk.

Problem #2 Why Is The Froth Quality In My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Not Up To Standard?

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee with creamy froth topping satisfies your soul, lifts your mood, and makes you energetic for the whole day. But disappointment comes in when your frother fails to give you that perfect creamy and flawless textured froth. I can imagine sipping a flat, thin froth; it’s not satisfying. But don’t let the poor froth ruin your mood; I will tell you the possible causes why your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 is not frothing the milk up to the standard and also tell you how to fix this issue so that you can enjoy the perfect creamy froth on your favorite milk drink.

Cause1: Old Pack Of Milk 

If your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 frother isn’t producing the desired froth for your milk drink, it could be because the milk quality is not good. When the milk is not fresh, the frothing process may not yield optimal results. Suppose you are using an old pack of milk that has been in the refrigerator for an extended period; the protein content in that milk will be low as it decreases over time. Protein plays a crucial role in froth stability, so you will not get the desired flawless froth on your milk drink.

How To Fix It: Use Skimmed Milk At Refrigerator Temperature

Thirteen Most Common Problems Of Nespresso Aeroccino 3: Troubleshooting Tips And Solutions, Why Is The Froth Quality In My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Not Up To Standard, How to set the quality of milk.

To achieve ideal froth for your milk drink, use skimmed or semi-skimmed milk for frothing. Skimmed milk, in particular, is free from fat and rich in protein content. During frothing, the protein forms a network and stabilizes the froth, resulting in a flawless texture. That’s how milk quality has a significant impact on the froth quality.

Cause2: Inaccurate Milk Temperature

Your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 is not frothing milk up to standard because the milk temperature is inadequate. The inappropriate temperature prevents milk from achieving desired creamy texture on the froth. For example, a milk pack at room temperature will not produce the desired froth consistency. Then what is the appropriate temperature of milk for frothing? Let’s find out the solution below.

How To Fix It: Use Cold Milk

Thirteen Most Common Problems Of Nespresso Aeroccino 3: Troubleshooting Tips And Solutions, Why Is The Froth Quality In My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Not Up To Standard, How to set the quality milk.

When we talk about milk temperature for frothing, It’sIt’s best to use cold milk as cold milk takes in air bubbles better than warm milk. The ideal temperature is 6-8 °C ( 42 – 46 °F ). The froth won’t dissolve into the beverage when you use cold milk. It will float to the top and gradually seep into the drink.

Cause3: Incorrect Frothing Whisk

Your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 is not producing a flawless froth, most likely because you have used the wrong whisk for frothing cold milk. What does it mean? Are there different whisks for cold or hot milk? Yes! For cold milk frothing, there is a specific whisk to froth the cold milk, whereas hot milk preparation requires a whisk designed explicitly for hot milk frothing. 

How To Fix It: Use Appropriate Whisk For Frothing

Thirteen Most Common Problems Of Nespresso Aeroccino 3: Troubleshooting Tips And Solutions, Why Is The Froth Quality In My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Not Up To Standard, How to set the quality milk.

Use the right whisk for the specific milk frothing for the best results. Choosing the appropriate whisk increases the likelihood of producing a flawless froth in your Nespresso Aeroccino 3.

Cause4: Milk Jug Is Dirty

The milk jug of your Nespresso Aeroccino is dirty, which is probably why your milk frother is not producing a flawless froth for your milk-based drink. If you last cleaned the milk jug a long time ago, milk residues have piled up inside the jug, and it becomes a growth medium for bacteria and other germs, as milk is the most nutritious thing ever. So, when the jug is dirty, it significantly affects the taste, texture, consistency, and quality of the milk froth.

How To Fix It: Clean The Milk Jug

Thirteen Most Common Problems Of Nespresso Aeroccino 3: Troubleshooting Tips And Solutions, Why Is The Froth Quality In My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Not Up To Standard, How to clean the milk jug.

To fix the poor quality froth issue in your Nespresso Aeroccino 3, clean the milk jug of your milk frother. 

How To Clean The Milk Jug Of Your Nespresso Aeroccino 3?

Follow the easy and efficient cleaning steps below, and say goodbye to poor froth quality and hello to a clean Nespresso Aeroccino 3 jug.

  1. Remove the jug from the base, and take out the whisk from the inner base of the jug. Then, detach the spring from the whisk.
  2. Wash the lid’s seal, whisk, spring, and the inside of the jug with detergent, then rinse with warm water.
  3. Do not place the jug in the dishwasher, and never soak your frother in the water for cleaning. NOTE: Avoid pouring water onto the bottom section of Aeroccino 3 that houses the electrical plug.
  4. Do not use abrasive cleaning material.
  5. Take a fresh piece of towel, make sure it is clean, and dry out all the parts of Aeroccino 3.

Problem #3 Why Is The Red Button Of My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Blinking?

Hey coffee lover! Are you worried about something? What happens? Does your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 blinking red, and you couldn’t figure out the cause of it? Uh-oh! The red button blinking issue with your beloved frother is making you upset. Don’t worry; I will help you figure out the root cause of this issue and tell you what you need to do to fix this red-blinking button. Read the cause and solution below to get your Aeroccino 3 fixed. 

Cause: Your Frother Is Overheating

The red button of your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 is blinking because it is overheating. It could be because of various reasons, such as using the frother continuously to froth milk for your milk drinks without letting it cool down for a while.

How To Fix It: Rinse With Cool Water

Thirteen Most Common Problems Of Nespresso Aeroccino 3: Troubleshooting Tips And Solutions, Why Is The Red Button Of My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Blinking, How to rinse the jug.

To fix the red button blinking issue, let your frother cool down by switching it off and unplugging the cable. Then, rinse it thoroughly with cool water.

If the red button of your frother continues to blink, you must contact Nespresso Club for assistance or take it to an authorized service center for repair.

For contact details, see the section ” When To Seek Help.”

Problem #4 Why Does The Milk Overflowing From The Milk Jug Of My Nespresso Aeroccino 3?

You were excitedly preparing your favorite milk-based beverage. You added milk to your Nespresso Aeroccino frother, but as you start frothing milk, within a few seconds, you notice the milk jug is overflowing. The creamy textured froth starts spilling, creating a mess and ruining your brewing experience. Damn, this is sad to encounter such a situation, but don’t worry, it is a common problem, and you can fix it with a few steps of troubleshooting. I will discuss the causes of the milk overflowing from the milk jug of your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 and how to fix it. Let’s troubleshoot this issue.

Cause1: Incorrect Type Of Whisk

The wrong type of whisk is the reason milk is overflowing from the milk jug of your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 frother. The wrong whisk type can cause an overflow by causing an imbalance between the volume of milk and the foam. 

How To Fix It: Use The Correct Whisk

Thirteen Most Common Problems Of Nespresso Aeroccino 3: Troubleshooting Tips And Solutions, Why Does The Milk Overflowing From The Milk Jug Of My Nespresso Aeroccino 3, How to use whisk.

To prevent milk from overflowing, use the correct type of whisk while frothing. When milk undergoes frothing, it needs space to expand and foam correctly, and the right whisk can make a balance while frothing so it does not overflow. So, what kind of whisk is required for each type of frothing? Here is the detail below.

  1. When you want to froth cold milk, use the whisk ( the one with the coil ) and add milk to the maximum fill mark at the bottom. Do not add the milk above that mark. 
  2. To heat the milk, use the hot milk whisk ( without the coil ) and add milk to the top MAX fill mark in the frother. Avoid adding milk above that mark.

Cause2: Overfilled Jug

Your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 is overflowing with milk because you have filled the jug above the recommended level for frothing. When you start frothing milk, it expands, and when there is too much milk in the jug but less space for the foam, milk overflows. It can result in a mess and a waste of milk.

How To Fix It: Fill The Milk Jug To The Required Level 

Thirteen Most Common Problems Of Nespresso Aeroccino 3: Troubleshooting Tips And Solutions, Why Does The Milk Overflowing From The Milk Jug Of My Nespresso Aeroccino 3,  How to fill the milk jug.

Fill your milk jug with the appropriate volume of milk. The MAX MILK (240ml) and MAX FOAM (120ml) levels are indicated on the inside of the jug. Ensure you do not fill the milk jug above the MAX Milk level indication.

Casue3: Low-Fat Content Milk

One cause of milk overflowing from your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 is the low-fat content milk. If you are using low-fat content milk, which requires a larger volume for frothing than high-fat content milk, and that’s why do you need to add a large milk volume in the frother to create a perfect froth, but it is causing milk to overflow from the jug.

How To Fix It: Use High-Fat Content Milk

Thirteen Most Common Problems Of Nespresso Aeroccino 3: Troubleshooting Tips And Solutions, Why Does The Milk Overflowing From The Milk Jug Of My Nespresso Aeroccino 3, Use high fat content milk.

One potential fix for this issue is using high-fat milk instead of low-fat milk. Because high-fat milk requires less volume to froth, you can use less milk and lower your chance of overflow. The higher the fat content of milk, it will be easier it is to create a thicker froth, as fat helps stabilize it.

Problem #5: Why Is My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Not Frothing Milk?

Are you sick of your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 because it fails to froth milk the way it used to? You have tried everything but couldn’t get your frother running to create a perfect froth for your Cappuccino or Latte Macchiato. Keep hope; a few simple fixes for this problem will enable you to quickly get back to savoring your favorite foamy beverages. Let’s explore the causes and the practical solutions to troubleshoot this issue.

Cause1:Dirty Electrical Contacts 

Your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 has no power due to the dirty electrical contacts. But how do the dirty electrical contacts prevent your Aeroccino 3 from turning on? Let me make it easy for you. 

The base station that you plug into the socket provides power to your Aeroccino 3. And the canister of your Aeroccino 3 has a part called ‘Female Connector,’ which must be connected to the ‘Male Connector’ on the base to supply electricity. But sometimes, these connectors get dirty because of dust and dried milk residues, especially when milk overflows, and you avoid cleaning it properly. Unfortunately, it may cause corrosion, making it impossible for the power to adequately reach the frother to turn it on and froth the milk. 

How To Fix It: Clean The Electrical Contacts

You need to eliminate the dirt from the electrical contacts. Follow the simple tips to clean the electrical contacts and get your frother running again. 

  1. Start by removing the cable from the socket to ensure there is no continuous power supply, as you will use water for cleaning, and it may catch fire.
  2. Now take soapy water in a bowl and a small brush; well, a toothbrush will be perfect.
  3. Soak the brush in soapy water and scrub the dirt on the electrical contacts. Once you scrub the dirt, wipe off the dirt particles using a wet cloth, then dry out the electrical connections. 
  4. If you think there is still some dirt on the electrical contacts, repeat the scrubbing step, but this time uses alcohol instead of soapy water. In case contacts have rust on them. Use a wire brush to scrape off the dirt. Then dry out the contacts.

Once you get rid of the dirt from the electrical contacts, your frother will be able to receive a power supply and create a perfect froth for your favorite milk drink!

Cause2: Incorrect Attachment Of Magnetic Whisk

An incorrectly attached magnetic whisk is one potential reason your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 frother isn’t producing froth. The magnetic whisk must securely attach to the frother’s base when frothing milk. And if it is not attached firmly, your frother will be unable to froth milk.

How To Fix It: Adjust The Whisk Position

Thirteen Most Common Problems Of Nespresso Aeroccino 3: Troubleshooting Tips And Solutions, Why Is My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Not Frothing Milk, How to adjust the whisk position.

To fix your Aeroccino 3 that is not frothing milk, look inside the frother to check the position of the magnetic whisk. And make sure it is securely attached to the frother’s bottom nipple. If not, then adjust the position of the magnetic whisk. That’s it! The slight adjustment of the whisk can solve your problem, and you can resume frothing milk in your Aeroccino 3 in no time.

Cause3: Damaged Magnetic Whisk

If you are having trouble frothing milk for your favorite milk drink because your Aeroccino 3 has stopped frothing milk, the issue could be with the whisk of your frother. The whisk is probably damaged because of frequent use or because you mistakenly broke it while cleaning or attaching it to the frother.

How To Fix It: Purchase A New Whisk

You must purchase a new magnetic whisk to resolve this problem, as it is the only solution. Also, it is crucial to make sure you buy the right whisk for the specific model of your Aeroccino 3. You can easily get new whisks for your Aeroccino 3 online or at a Nespresso outlet. Additionally, make sure you handle the whisk carefully when cleaning it or attaching it to the frother to avoid this issue from happening again.

Problem #6: Why Is My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Burning Milk And Leaving Burn Marks?

Are you sick of scorched milk and undesirable burn marks on your Nespresso Aeroccino 3? A delicious cup of coffee requires perfectly frothed milk, and a malfunctioning Aeroccino 3 can ruin the entire coffee experience. If you’re experiencing this problem, I can understand your feelings. That’s why I am here to tell you the cause of why your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 is burning your milk and leaving burn marks. I will walk you through all the potential causes and give you easy fixes to keep your frother free of scorch marks.

Cause: Protein Accumulation

Your Aeroccino 3 is burning milk because of the milk protein, which accumulates on the heating element and gets burned and leaves burn marks at the bottom. It happens when milk is heated, and proteins adhere to the heating element and eventually burn. 

How To Fix It: Clean The Frother After Each Use

Thirteen Most Common Problems Of Nespresso Aeroccino 3: Troubleshooting Tips And Solutions, Why Is My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Burning Milk And Leaving Burn Marks, How to  clean the frother.

To fix the milk burning issue of your Aeroccino 3, the best you can do is avoid the accumulation of milk proteins on the heating element by cleaning the frother after each time you froth the milk. 

All you need to do is wipe off the milk residues left inside using a non-abrasive or soft sponge to ensure no milk residues stick to the bottom before you froth milk next time. 

You can also prevent milk from burning with a few tips and tactics. You may stop burning milk in your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 by following the tips below.

  1. Make The Bottom Wet: Pour cold water into the frother jug and rinse it quickly. Also, allow cold water to stand there for a few minutes until your frother feels cool, then drain the water. That’s how you can wet the inside of your frother, now add up the milk and start frothing. The wet surface of the frother causes heat to distribute evenly and prevents milk from burning.
  2. Give Your Frother A Break Between Cycles: After one frothing cycle, avoid starting another immediately, even though the frother will automatically turn off after continuously heating the bottom surface for a few minutes. So, if you immediately start another cycle, the extra heat has nowhere to go and may result in burning. Instead, wait a few minutes before starting another cycle to give your frother a break and allow the extra heat to escape.
  3. Clean Whisk Before Frothing: Before frothing your milk, clean the heating whisk. Take a good look at the whisk and thoroughly clean it because milk residue can be difficult to notice on the whisk. If you don’t clean the whisk, it may prevent uniform heat transfer, resulting in burning. For the most outstanding results, clean it thoroughly before every frothing cycle.

For cleaning instructions for the magnetic whisk, see the section “How To Clean The Magnetic Whisk Of Your Nespresso Aeroccino 3″ under Problem#9 (Cause:2) below in this article.

Problem #7: Why Is My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Keep Shutting Off Unexpectedly?

Are you stuck with an Aeroccino 3 that unexpectedly shuts off and leaves you with half-frothed milk? The Nespresso Aeroccino 3 is a popular milk frother known for its efficiency and ease of use. It can be annoying if it continually turns off for no apparent reason. I have compiled the most common cause of this problem and some easy fixes to get your Aeroccino 3 working properly again. So, let’s get rolling!

Cause: Damaged Thermocouple

Your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 is continuously shutting off unexpectedly because the thermocouple of your frother is damaged. How does a thermocouple cause your frother to shut down? But first, you should know what the thermocouple is. It is to monitor the temperature while frothing; when the milk reaches a desired temperature, the thermocouple detects it and turns off the frother to prevent overheating and prevent your frother from any damage. But when the frother turns on and off very quickly, it indicates an issue with the thermocouple; maybe it is burnt.

How To Fix It: Replace The Thermocouple

NOTE: These repairs are only advised if you have tech skills and know-how electrical components operate. Otherwise, consult a technician for assistance.

If the issue is with the thermocouple, then you need to give check on it. But where is it located? Thermocouple is attached to the PCB ( printed circuit board ) via a sliding connector. Follow the steps below to replace the thermocouple.

  1. First, you have to find the PCB. Unscrew your Aeroccino 3 from the bottom and remove the canister. You will find a green color board having copper wires on it.
  2. Simply remove the thermocouple by sliding it a bit.
  3. Place a new thermocouple, apply a thermal lubricant, and fix it well to ensure it conducts heat.
  4. Put the board back in the frother and test the thermocouple to see if it works.

Problem #8: Why Is My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Whisk Not Spinning Properly?

Frothed milk is crucial for the ideal cappuccino or latte, as everyone who enjoys coffee would agree. But what if the whisk on your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 stops spinning properly and cannot produce the desired foam consistency? There could be many causes for this issue, so hold on before going into a state of worry. I have covered you with potential fixes to fix your Aeroccino 3’s spinning issue; let’s dive into the causes first to understand the problem better.

Cause1: Your Aeroccino 3 Is Heating Up Too Quickly

Your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 whisk is not spinning because the heating cycle ends prematurely, and the button will start blinking red. It typically occurs when the frother detects rapid heating. Several factors could contribute to this problem, some listed below, along with some solutions.

  • Using the Aeroccino shortly after the first use: The Aeroccino contains a safety thermostat that stops the spinning and heating of milk if the temperature gets too high to avoid burnout.

How To Fix It: Allow To Cool Down

Let the Aeroccino 3 cool down before using it the next time. Also, rinse the frother with cold water.

Cause2: Milk Traces Left In Your Aeroccino 3

 If there are leftover milk traces in your Aeroccino 3, it heats more quickly than it is expected, which causes it to stop heating and spinning too early. The red flashing button indicates this situation.

How To Fix It: Clean After Each Use

Thirteen Most Common Problems Of Nespresso Aeroccino 3: Troubleshooting Tips And Solutions, Why Is My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Whisk Not Spinning Properly, How to clean jug.

Clean the Aeroccino 3 carefully after every single use. Also, use a Teflon-approved or non-stick scourer and cold water to clean the frother. For cleaning instructions, see the section “How To Clean The Milk Jug Of Your Nespresso Aeroccino 3″ under Problem#2 (Cause: 3). Rinsing the whisk to eliminate any milk residue is also a more useful idea. 

Cause2: Dirty Magnetic Whisk

If the milk is heating, but the whisk isn’t spinning, it could be because you have not cleaned the whisk for a long time, and it has become clogged with left out milk residues which are dried and are not allowing the whisk to spin and froth the milk. 

There is a very narrow space between the whisk’s hole and the nipple that slides over into the canister. If this area gets clogged with milk residues, the whisk won’t be able to rotate freely.

How To Fix It: Clean The Whisk

The simple fix is thoroughly cleaning the whisk with a potent cleaning agent.

How To Clean The Magnetic Whisk Of Your Nespresso Aeroccino 3?

You need a few things; White vinegar, salt, and a toothbrush. Follow the simple steps to clean the whisk of your Aeroccino 3.

  1. Mix one tablespoon of salt in half a cup of white vinegar and place the whisk inside the cup for a couple of hours; if it is very dirty, you must soak it overnight.
  2. After soaking, take out the whisk and rinse with clean water.
  3. Now, use a toothbrush to scrub the whisk to eliminate the remaining milk residues.

After cleaning the whisk, put it back in the frother, and here you go! The whisk is all clean and is ready to froth milk again!

Cause3: Whisk Is Broken

If your Aeroccino 3 is heating, but the whisk is still in its position, not moving anywhere, it could be possible that it is broken while cleaning or attaching it to the frother.

How To Fix It: Buy A New Whisk

Unfortunately, a broken whisk cannot help you with anything, and you have no other option except to buy a new whisk for your Aeroccino 3. You can buy a new magnetic whisk online or from a Nespresso store.

Problem #9: Why Is My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Not Heating Milk?

A sip of creamy cappuccino makes me happy after a tiring day at work, but all the happiness fades away when your Aeroccino 3 refuses to heat the milk. You must be wondering what’s wrong with your Aeroccino 3. But don’t let the faulty frother ruin your mood; I will tell you how to fix it. So, let’s check out the causes below and the practical solutions to troubleshoot your Aeroccino 3.

Cause: Burnt Heating Element

Your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 is not heating milk because the heating element has burnt. The heating element is made of copper strips attached to the printed circuit board, which allow the frother to heat the milk while frothing milk.

How To Fix It: Repair The Heating Element

NOTE: Fixing this issue is trickier because it involves dealing with electricity. If you are an expert in this field, you may attempt to resolve this issue by following the steps listed below. However, if you have no idea about it, it’s better to avoid any potential risk and seek guidance from a professional.

To repair the heating element of your Aeroccino 3, follow the steps below.

  1. To access the printed circuit board, open your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 frother by unscrewing it from the base.
  2. Examine the Printed circuit board to find the burnt-out areas. 
  3. When you locate the burned heating element patches, remove the small amount of enamel and weld the area using a thin copper strip.

Problem #10: Why Is The Lid Of My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Not Closing Completely?

Does the lid of your Aeroccino 3 not close completely? Oh no, encountering a malfunctioning frother in the morning is a complete mood spoiler. But why is it happening? And what’s the problem with the lid? You will get your answers now if you have not guessed it yet. Because in this guide, I will discuss each cause of this issue and tell you what you need to do to fix it. So, let’s get started!

Cause1: Residue In The Lid

Your Aeroccino 3’s lid isn’t closing because of debris or residue on the lid. This debris or residue may leave a space between the lid and the frother. That’s why when you try to close the lid, it cannot close completely and keep the lid partially open.

How To Fix It: Clean The Lid

Thirteen Most Common Problems Of Nespresso Aeroccino 3: Troubleshooting Tips And Solutions, Why Is The Lid Of My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Not Closing Completely, How to clean the lid.

To fix the residue issue, cleaning the lid is the only solution. For cleaning instructions, see the section “How To Clean The Milk Jug?” under Problem#2 (Cause:3). Cleaning will help ensure the lid closes completely, and your Aeroccino 3 may function as expected.

Cause2: Issue With The Seal

Another reason behind the lid of your Aeroccino 3 not closing is the broken or loose seal. Generally, the seal is to make a tight seal when closing the lid and keeps the Aeroccino 3’s contents from spilling out and prevents heat or steam from escaping while it operates. And If the seal is damaged or faulty, the lid will not completely close, leaving a space between the lid and the frother.

How To Fix It: Buy A New Seal

Thirteen Most Common Problems Of Nespresso Aeroccino 3: Troubleshooting Tips And Solutions, Why Is The Lid Of My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Not Closing Completely, Buy a new seal.

If a broken or loose seal is the cause of the lid’s partial closure, it needs to be replaced with a new seal so that it fits securely on the frother’s rim and forms an appropriate, airtight seal when the lid is closed.

Cause3: Lid Size Is Inaccurate

One potential reason why the lid of your Aeroccino 3 won’t completely close is that it’s the wrong size for your frother. If you just purchased a new lid and it doesn’t fit properly, probably, the lid wasn’t made for the unique model of your Aeroccino 3. 

How To Fix It: Replace The Lid Compatible To Your Frother

Thirteen Most Common Problems Of Nespresso Aeroccino 3: Troubleshooting Tips And Solutions, Why Is The Lid Of My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Not Closing Completely,  How to replace the lid.

To resolve the lid issue, double-check that the replacement part you bought is right. Or communicate with the seller or manufacturer to address the problem and get a replacement that correctly fits your frother. 

Problem #11: Why Is The Whisk Of My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Not Attaching To The Base?

Are you struggling to froth the milk with your Aeroccino 3 because the whisk is not attaching to the base? Oh no, it’s spoiling your mood. But what’s the issue here? There could be several reasons why the whisk of your Aeroccino 3 is not getting attached to the base; I will explain each cause and provide you with possible solutions to this problem. So, let’s jump right into this matter and fix the whisk attachment issue.

Cause1: Magnetic Whisk Is Dirty

If you’re having difficulties attaching the whisk to the base of your Aeroccino, it might be because the whisk is dirty. When you don’t clean the whisk, it gets covered with leftover milk residues, which may make it challenging for the whisk to attach to the base securely.

How To Fix It: Clean The Whisk

Thirteen Most Common Problems Of Nespresso Aeroccino 3: Troubleshooting Tips And Solutions, Why Is The Whisk Of My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Not Attaching To The Base, How to clean the whisk.

You can resolve the whisk attachment issue with a few simple cleaning techniques. You can quickly remove that troublesome milk residue by attaching the whisk to the base, and your frother can resume frothing. For cleaning instructions for the magnetic whisk, see the section “How To Clean The Magnetic Whisk Of Your Nespresso Aeroccino 3?” under Problem#9 (Cause:2).

Cause 2: Faulty Whisk

If you are experiencing a problem while attaching the whisk to the base of your Aeroccino 3, it could be because the whisk is broken. Most probably, while cleaning the whisk, you accidentally break it, or while attaching it, you put a lot of pressure, which causes it to break.

How To Fix It: Buy A New Whisk

The simplest solution for this problem is to purchase a new whisk for your Aeroccino 3. You may get a replacement magnetic whisk online or at a Nespresso store. Also, to prevent this problem from recurring, be extra cautious when cleaning or attaching the whisk to the frother.

Cause 3: Incorrect Whisk

If you’re experiencing problems joining your Aeroccino’s whisk to the base, you may have bought a new one, and they have sent you a different one incompatible with your Aeroccino 3.

How To Fix It: Replace The Whisk Compatible With Your Frother

Thirteen Most Common Problems Of Nespresso Aeroccino 3: Troubleshooting Tips And Solutions, Why Is The Whisk Of My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Not Attaching To The Base, How to replace the whisk.

It is essential to use a whisk suitable for your Aeroccino 3. Ask the seller for a replacement whisk, which must be compatible with your frother so you no longer have to face this attachment issue.

Problem #12: Why Is Water Leaking From The Base Of My Nespresso Aeroccino 3?

Does your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 start to leak water from the base? When all you want is a flawlessly frothed cup of milk for your coffee. Dealing with a leaking frother might be annoying, but don’t panic! I am here to assist you in understanding the potential causes and offering ways to resolve the problem. Let’s get started!

Cause: Hole In The Base

A possible explanation for why your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 may be leaking water is a hole in the base of your frother. The hole could have developed by a manufacturing mistake or damage during regular use. A hole in the frother’s base can allow water or milk to flow out, making a mess and possibly damaging the frother or nearby surfaces.

How To Fix It: Contact Nespresso Customer Service

Thirteen Most Common Problems Of Nespresso Aeroccino 3: Troubleshooting Tips And Solutions, Why Is Water Leaking From The Base Of My Nespresso Aeroccino 3, How to contact nespresso.

Contacting Nespresso Customer Support will help you fix the hole causing water to seep from the bottom of your Nespresso Aeroccino 3. They can help you with the replacement or repair, as it is unsafe to use a damaged machine. When using any electrical appliance, it is crucial to ensure not just your safety but also the safety of those around you. For contact details, see the section ” When To Seek Help.”

Maintenance Tips

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 in good working condition and preventing future problems. By cleaning and maintaining your milk frother properly, you can ensure that it continues to deliver perfectly frothed milk for your coffee drinks.

Here are the simple tips on how to clean and maintain your Nespresso Aeroccino 3:

  1. Clean the frother after each use: After using your Aeroccino 3, clean it thoroughly to remove any milk residue that might have built up inside. Use a soft-bristled brush to clean the frothing whisk and wipe down the inside of the machine with a damp cloth.
  2. Use a milk frother cleaner or vinegar: To remove any stubborn milk residue or buildup, use a milk frother cleaner or vinegar. Add some cleaner or vinegar to the Aeroccino 3, fill it with water, and run a cleaning cycle.
  3. Avoid submerging the base in water: The base of the Aeroccino 3 contains electrical components and should not be submerged in water. Instead, use a damp cloth to wipe it down.
  4. Try Using filtered water: Using filtered water in your Aeroccino 3 can help prevent mineral buildup, which can affect the machine’s performance.
  5. Store the frother properly: When not in use, store your Aeroccino 3 in a dry, cool place. Do not store it near heat sources or in direct sunlight.

Following these maintenance tips, you can keep your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 in top working condition and prevent common problems such as clogged frothing whisk, residue buildup, and overheating. With proper maintenance, your milk frother will continue to deliver perfectly frothed milk for your coffee drinks for years to come.

When To Seek Professional Help

While many common problems with the Nespresso Aeroccino 3 milk frother can be fixed with simple troubleshooting steps, there may be situations where you need professional help. Here are some instances where you may want to consider seeking professional help:

  • If you have followed all troubleshooting steps and your Aeroccino 3 still does not work properly.
  • If there is visible damage to the machine, such as a cracked or broken part.
  • If your machine is still under warranty and you want to ensure that any repairs are covered.

If you find yourself in any of these situations, it’s best to seek professional help. Nespresso has a network of authorized repair centers that specialize in repairing Nespresso Aeroccino 3 milk frothers. You can find the nearest authorized repair center by visiting the Nespresso website or by calling their customer service hotline. To Contact Nespresso Customer Service for assistance, call 1800 623 033  ( Monday to Friday, 9 am – 6 pm ).

If you prefer to use a third-party repair service, be sure to choose a reputable company with experience repairing Nespresso Aeroccino 3 milk frothers. Some reputable third-party repair services include:

  • The Nespresso Experts: This third-party repair service specializes in repairing Nespresso machines and offers a range of repair services for the Aeroccino 3.
  • The Repair Shack: This company offers repair services for a variety of small appliances, including Nespresso Aeroccino 3 milk frothers. They offer both in-store and mail-in repair services. To contact The Repair Shack, you can send a text at 913-732-0538 ( 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, seven days a week ), but this is a text line; no phone call will be answered at this number.  For any assistance by phone call, dial 913-732-0514 ( 9 am – 5 pm, Monday to Friday ). 

Regular maintenance and proper use help you prevent many common problems with the Nespresso Aeroccino 3 milk frother. However, if you encounter a problem you cannot fix on your own, seeking professional help is always an option.


In summary, the Nespresso Aeroccino 3 milk frother is an excellent addition to the coffee lover’s kitchen counter, but like any appliance, it can experience problems from time to time. The good news is that simple troubleshooting steps can resolve many common issues, and regular maintenance can help prevent future problems.

Remember, before seeking professional help, try troubleshooting the issues yourself using the tips and solutions outlined in this article. By taking a proactive approach to maintenance and troubleshooting, you can keep your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 milk frother in good working condition for years to come.

If you need professional help, Nespresso has a network of authorized repair centers specializing in repairing Nespresso Aeroccino 3 milk frothers. You can also choose a reputable third-party repair service to help you out.

With these tips and solutions, you can enjoy perfectly frothed milk for your favorite milk drinks with your Nespresso Aeroccino 3 milk frother.


Why Is My Aeroccino 3 Not Spinning?

Your Aeroccino 3 is not spinning because you have started using it just after frothing for the first time without giving any rest. This device has a thermostat for its safety to prevent your frother from burning and getting damaged. The thermostat stops spinning and heating if the temperature goes too high. After first use, let the frother remain so it cools down, or rinse it with cold water before using it again.

Why Is My Nespresso Aeroccino 3 Milk Frother Not Frothing Milk?

If your Aeroccino is not frothing milk, here are a few troubleshooting steps.

  1. Firstly, check to ensure the whisk is spinning properly. The magnet that holds and spins the whisk may have lost power. Give your frother a light tap on a hard surface like a table. The soft tap can fix the magnet problem by repositioning and restoring its operation power.
  2. Ensure the milk is not above the MAX Milk level. Otherwise, it will be challenging to achieve a good froth.
  3. Also, use fresh milk with high protein content to produce the best foam. You will only get the desired froth consistency if the milk is fresh.
  4. Use a whisk with a thick spring for frothing.

Why Is My Aeroccino 3 Blinking Red?

If your Aeroccino is blinking red continuously and the heating cycle stops prematurely, it indicates your frother is overheating because you have used it immediately after the first use.

How Do You Clean An Aeroccino 3 Milk Frother?

To clean Nespresso Aeroccino 3.

  1. Remove the jug from the base and the whisk from the inner bottom of the jug simply by your hand without using any tool.

NOTE: When you finish frothing milk with your Aeroccino 3, turn off the main switch at the base.

  1. Remove the lid seal to clean both parts. Rinse and wipe them with a clean damp cloth.
  2. The milk jug is waterproof, but it is not dishwasher safe.
  3. Attach one of the whisks to the inner base of the jug, and to avoid losing the other whisk, clip it onto the lid or store it in the whisk storage when not in use.

How Do I Turn On My Aeroccino 3?

Add milk into the Aeroccino 3 jug up to MAX level indicators. Then, cover it with its lid and place the jug on the base. Now, press the button once for hot preparation and cold milk froth preparation; press the button and hold for two seconds.

Is Aeroccino 3 Hot Or Cold?

Your Aeroccino 3 froths cold milk in 60 seconds, while hot milk needs an additional ten seconds. Moreover, Aeroccino 3 heats milk in addition to frothing, giving you hot milk that’s perfect for hot chocolate in just under two minutes.

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