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Most Americans think they can’t cope in the morning without their favorite drink, coffee, so some Americans drink 4 to 6 cups a day, while the rest are content with just one cup a day. So wouldn’t it be great if our beloved beverage has several health benefits and helps protect us from a lot of diseases? 

Here are the top 13 health benefits of coffee. I have retrieved these benefits from authentic science resources.

  1. Makes You Happy And May lift your mood [1]
  2. Can Improve Energy Levels and Make You Smarter [2]
  3. May Improve Your Metabolism [3]
  4. Can Help You Burn Fat [4]
  5. May Lower Your Risk Of Heart Diseases [5]
  6. May lower your risk of type 2 diabetes [6]
  7. May reduce your risk of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease [7, 8]
  8. Contains Essential Nutrients Which Are Necessary For Your Health [9]
  9. May Protect Your Liver [10]
  10. May Lower Risk of Certain Types of Cancer [11]
  11. The Biggest Source of Antioxidants in the Western Diet [12]
  12. May help you live longer [13]
  13. May Reduce The Risk of Certain Digestive Disorders [14]

Disadvantages and Risks of Coffee 

  1. Can Increase Your Blood Pressure [15]
  2. Can Trigger Your Headache [16
  3. Coffee Can Elevate Your Anxiety Levels [17]
  4. Can Disrupt Your Sleep Quality [18]
  5. Can Reduce Your Fertility [19]

The Top 13 Health Benefits of Coffee 

I carefully studied the health benefits of all popular types of coffee in the world. And the positive or negative effects of drinking coffee on people, i.e women, children, young people, the elderly, especially pregnant women. After studying all this research on coffee, I have shared my knowledge, analysis, and experience with you.  

Now let me describe in detail the 13 health benefits of coffee that all types of coffee have in common. 

1. Makes You Happy And May lift Your Mood.

Whether it’s a cold brew, hot brew, or any types of coffee, it will lift your mood in such ways:

  • You will be happy by drinking coffee.
  • It may reduce your risk of depression.
  • It may improve your brain function.
  • It also improves your state of mind.

2. Can Improve Energy Levels and Make You Smarter

Whether you drink any type of coffee increases your energy level, so you feel like a social butterfly and tackle your to-do list with energy to spare. [20, 21, 22]

In addition, coffee improves various aspects of your mental function, such as 

  • energy levels, 
  • brain health, 
  • reaction times, 
  • vigilance, 
  • memory, 
  • mood, 

and all general functions of your brain.[23, 24, 25, 26, 27]

3. May Improve Your Metabolism

What is metabolism?

The process by which your body converts your consumption into energy is metabolism.

Why is metabolism necessary for our body?

You need to enhance your metabolic rate to burn more calories.

What is the relationship of metabolism with coffee?

Scientific research has shown that caffeine improves our body’s metabolic system. Because caffeine is present in all types of coffee, whether it is a hot brew or cold brew, caffeine will get into your body no matter what type of coffee you drink. That is, drinking all kinds of coffee will improve your metabolism. [28, 29]

4. Can Help You Burn Fat

Coffee speeds up your metabolism, which in turn increases your energy. As your energy levels rise, so does your fitness. You want to go to the gym. You do a thorough exercise. Your depression goes away.[30,31]  You are happy all the time. 

The result of all these positive things is that your body begins to burn excess fat. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. [32]. 

5. May Lower Your Risk Of Heart Diseases

Heart disease is a general term for several conditions that can affect your heart, including coronary artery disease, heart attack, and stroke. It’s the number one cause of death worldwide.

Coffee contains compounds that may reduce your risk of heart disease including: 

  • Phenolic compounds, 
  • Magnesium, 
  • Trigonelline, 
  • Quinides, 
  • Lignans, 
  • Chlorogenic acid (CGA) 
  • Diterpenes.

The first four coffee compounds from the above list may reduce your risk of heart disease. And the last two compounds of the list act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. However, some recent studies show that consumption of coffee reduces the 20% risk of heart diseases. [33, 34]


If you have uncontrolled high blood pressure, you should limit or avoid drinking caffeine regularly, as this may further elevate your levels.

6. May lower your risk of type 2 diabetes

Cold brew coffee has compounds, namely chlorogenic acids, which are potent antioxidants.

These antioxidants available in your cold brew coffee may also regulate hormones in your digestive system that control and slow digestion, causing your blood sugar to stabilize.

Your daily intake of 4–6 cups of cold brew coffee may reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. [35, 36, 37, 38, 39]

7. May reduce your risk of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease

The phenylindane and harmane, and non-harmane compounds found in coffee protect against age-related diseases, i.e., Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. [40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, ]

8. Contains Essential Nutrients For Your Health

A single cup of black coffee (8 ounces) contains several essential nutrients [46] such as:

  • Caffeine
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2)
  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)
  • Manganese 
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium (vitamin B3)
  • Niacin (vitamin B3)
  • Plant chemicals: polyphenols including chlorogenic acid and quinic acid, and diterpenes including cafestol and kahweol

Coffee protects you from various diseases thanks to its nutrients and antioxidants. And that’s why coffee is the main Source of antioxidants in the US diet. [47, 48, 49]

9. May Protect Your Liver

The largest and fantastic organ inside your body is your liver. It carries out hundreds of essential functions in your body, including food digestion, energy restoration, removing poisons, and much more. Many kinds of liver diseases can affect your liver, including:

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Cirrhosis [51]

Digested caffeine makes a chemical in your body called paraxanthine. Paraxanthine slows the growth of the scar tissue involved in fibrosis. This process may help your body fight liver cancer, alcohol-related cirrhosis, non-alcohol-related fatty liver disease, and hepatitis C. [52]

10. May Lower Risk of Certain Types of Cancer

Many studies show that the benefit was found in people who drank 4 to 6 cups of coffee a day, which is a lot.

Many studies show that the people who drank 4 to 6 cups of coffee a day, had a lower risk of some types of cancer, including:

  • Prostate cancer
  • Liver cancer
  • Endometrial cancer
  • Mouth cancer
  • Throat cancer

The reason to believe it is antioxidants found in coffee which have a protective effect against cancer. [53]

11. The Biggest Source of Antioxidants in the Western Diet

Antioxidants have various biological effects on your body and are considered very important for your overall health. [56]

Some of the powerful antioxidants found in coffee are hydroxycinnamic acids. They are very effective at neutralizing free radicals and preventing oxidative stress. 

The second powerful antioxidants found in coffee are polyphenols. They may help prevent many diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes 

12. May help you live longer

Antioxidants are found in compounds of hot brew coffee and cold brew coffee that help prevent diseases that can reduce your overall risk of death and eliminate or reduce the causes of the disease. [57]

Your risk of death will automatically decrease if you avoid all the diseases mentioned above by drinking cold brew or hot brew coffee.

13. Coffee May Reduce The Risk of Certain Digestive Disorders

Numerous observations have shown that drinking coffee reduces the risk of digestive diseases such as gallstones and pancreatitis. And some elements of the digestive process benefit, such as gut motility. [58]

5 Disadvantages, Risks And Side Effects coffee 

I have explained the five disadvantages, risks, and side effects of coffee which include all common types of coffee in the world.

1. Coffee Can Increase Your Blood Pressure

The caffeine in coffee can cause a dramatic increase in your blood pressure, even if only for a short time.

Some researchers believe that caffeine blocks a hormone that helps dilate your arteries. Or caffeine releases more adrenaline to your adrenal glands, which raises your blood pressure. [59]

2. Coffee Can Trigger Your Headache

The caffeine in coffee narrows the blood vessels around the brain. That causes an increase in blood flow around the brain. It can lead to a condition known as caffeine withdrawal headaches. [60, 61]

3. Coffee Can Elevate Your Anxiety Levels

Overuse of coffee can elevate your anxiety levels. Because anxiety and depression often occur together, and caffeine in coffee can worsen anxiety. [62, 63]

4. Can Disrupt Your Sleep Quality

Overuse of coffee can disrupt your sleep quality. So if you have any sleep problems, you must limit your coffee. [64]

5. Can Reduce Your Fertility

Experts warn that high coffee consumption can increase the risk of miscarriage and low birth weight. So, if you drink a large amount of coffee, it may take longer to become pregnant and may have a higher risk of miscarriage. [65]

Coffee Health Benefits And Disadvantages Include All Types Of Coffee 

When the word coffee comes to mind, not just one type of coffee comes to mind, but all kinds of coffee, whether cold brew or hot brew, iced coffee or nitro coffee, etc. As a result, varieties arise in mind at once. And just like a series of commercials on a TV screen before a movie or drama series starts, all sorts of types of coffee start appearing on our brian’s screen. Okay, fine?

28 Types of Coffee Have Same Health Benefits and Disadvantages

There are many types of coffee. I can’t describe all types of coffee in this short article, but I will tell you a few parent types of coffee drinks, such as: 

  1. Latte
  2. Cappuccino
  3. Cold Brew Coffee
  4. Macchiato
  5. Mocha
  6. Doppio
  7. Irish Coffee
  8. Americano
  9. Iced Coffee
  10. Affogato
  11. Cortado
  12. Iced Cortado
  13. Frappuccino
  14. Flat White
  15. Black Coffee
  16. Ristretto
  17. Pour Over
  18. Drip Coffee 
  19. Lungo
  20. Espresso Coffee
  21. Red Eye Coffee
  22. Nitro Coffee
  23. Café au Lait
  24. Mazagran
  25. Iced Espresso
  26. Regular Coffee
  27. Iced Coffee Latte
  28. Galão

Health Benefits And Disadvantages Vary Depending on Coffee Brewing Methods 

There are many types of coffees depending on different types of coffee beans, type of roasts, grinding sizes, brewing methods, and their type of recipes.

I have named 28 types of coffee. My point is to tell you all these types of coffee: When we talk about the health benefits of coffee, it does not mean just one type of coffee, but all of these types. 

Why Health Benefits And Disadvantages Common For All Coffee Types?

No matter how many types of coffee there are, these are the names of different coffee recipes. When we change the brewing method of coffee, a new type of coffee is produced. But all of these varieties have four things in common, water, coffee beans, and cooling, or heating process.

The Same Ingredients of Brewing Methods, The Same Health Benefits, And Disadvantages

What is your point of view? Maybe it’s the same as mine! But my point of view is this: when coffee beans and water are used in all these types of coffee beverages, the health benefits of all these types of coffee should be the same, which are absolutely the same! Right?

Changing In Brewing Method Causes Little Change in Health Benefits

Yes, when coffee is brewed using the hot brewing method instead of the cold brewing method, its health benefits change slightly compared to each other.

Similarly, when nitrogen is infused into Nitro coffee or a type of coffee is mixed with milk, water, cream, or the number of ground coffee beans is reduced or increased, the health benefits of the resulting coffee drink also become more or less like those of their competitors.

But the change in coffee’s health benefits due to its brewing method is mostly negligible. However, the essential health benefits of all these types of coffee remain permanent and do not change. 

Which coffee is better for you in terms of health benefits and side effects?

Coffee is a beverage that if we change the brewing method a little bit, the whole type will change. And a new kind of coffee is made. As the type of coffee changes, so do its health benefits, disadvantages, risks, and side effects. So in the following lines, I have listed the health benefits, disadvantages, risks, and side effects of each of the 28 types of coffee separately so that you can easily choose coffee for your health benefits.

1. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Latte

First, we start with Latte. Latte has the same health benefits and side effects as other types of coffee. The only difference is that the foamed milk in the Latte enhances the taste. Moreover, intake of Latte or any coffee Coffee is associated with lower liver stiffness in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, hepatitis C, and hepatitis B. [66]

2. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Cappuccino

Cappuccino is a type of coffee drink similar to Latte, but the foam-shaped milk on top of it is twice as thick as latte milk foam. Its health benefits and side effects are similar to that of ordinary coffee. In addition, both Cappuccino and ordinary coffee show protective or adverse effects on the skeletal (bone) system. [67] Since it is just more fun, the risk is that you may drink too much.

3. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Cold Brew Coffee

Cold brew coffee is brewed in a very different way. It usually has the same health benefits and side effects as an ordinary coffee drink. But it is cold brewed, so it has more caffeine and less acidity. You can increase or decrease the caffeine in it with different brewing methods.

All types of coffee and also Cold Brew show protective or adverse effects on the nervous system. [68

4. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Macchiato

Macchiato, like Latte, is made from Espresso. The health benefits and side effects are the same as described above. The main advantage is that it uses less milk and therefore reduces the risk of obesity. Macchiato and other types of coffee also show protective or adverse effects on the homocysteine levels. [69]

5. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Mocha

“Mocha” coffee beverage is a coffee beverage of the Latte type. The chocolate syrup is added to the body. The health benefits of Mocha are the same as we described above. Just adding chocolate also adds to its flavor. Then where you have to drink one cup, you drink four cups.

In addition, Mocha and other types of coffee also show protective or adverse effects on the cardiovascular system. [70]

6. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Doppio

Doppio is the name of the double shot of Espresso. The health benefits of Doppio are similar to other ordinary coffee. But since this is a double shot of Espresso, it is high in caffeine. First, it does not use milk or cream, so there is less risk of drinking too much. But due to the high caffeine, caution is necessary. Second, since it does not use milk, there is a fear of drought in the stomach.

7. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Irish Coffee

Irish coffee is a type of coffee beverage that includes hot coffee, Irish whiskey, and sugar. The coffee is topped with cream, so it is pulled from the bottom of the cream. Irish coffee has the same health benefits as regular coffee. But the disadvantage is that when you mix caffeine and alcohol, you lose the understanding of how much you have drunk. As a result, you drink too much and make the wrong decisions.

8. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Americano

Americano coffee is made by diluting EspressoEspresso with water. The amount of water and Espresso depends on how powerful the Americano is. Its benefits are also the same as the general coffee I mentioned above. Since it does not contain cream or milk, there is no risk of obesity from drinking it.

9. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Iced Coffee

Iced coffee is a type of coffee in which coffee is prepared using the hot brewing method and pours on ice. Iced coffee has the same health benefits that we have described above for ordinary coffee. The only difference is that when hot coffee is poured on ice, its acidity decreases, and its taste increases.

10. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Affogato

Affogato is a type of coffee that is made by mixing Espresso and a variety of ice creams. It comes in a variety of desserts instead of drinks. It also has the same health benefits that ordinary coffee has. The difference is that there is a risk of obesity due to the addition of ice cream.

11. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Cortado

Cortado is a type of coffee made by mixing equal amounts of Espresso and milk. But Cortado does not form a milky foam shape, nor does it thicken the milk texture. Therefore, Cartedo also has the same health benefits as ordinary coffee. The only difference is that adding milk reduces the acidity of the Espresso.

12. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Iced Cortado

Ice Cortado is also a type of Cortado made in the same way as Cortado. But the difference is that the Iced Cortado is presented by putting it on top of the ice. Therefore, iced Cortado has the same health benefits as Cortado. The only difference between the two health benefits is that adding ice to iced Cortado reduces its acidity and increases its flavor.

13. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Frappuccino

Frappuccino is a type of coffee in which Espresso and ice cream are mixed with high sugar and topped with cream. Its health benefits are the same as those of ordinary coffee. The only difference is that adding ice and cream increases the risk of overeating, where its acidity decreases because it’s so much fun.

14. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Flat White

Flat White coffee is a type of coffee made by mixing Espresso and steamed milk. It is also a coffee Latte. But the difference is that flat white milk is used more than Latte, but its milk foam is more minor than latte milk. Therefore, the health benefits of Flat White are the same as the health benefits of an ordinary coffee drink. The difference is that Flat White milk is used more than Latte, so its acidity is slightly lower than Latte.

15. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Black Coffee

Black coffee means coffee without milk and cream. There are many health benefits of this coffee. The thirteen health benefits of black coffee are the same as the ones I mentioned above. Since it does not contain milk, cream, or anything else, there is no risk of you gaining weight by drinking it. The side effects are the same as I mentioned above.

16. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Ristretto

Ristretto is a type of coffee drink in which coffee grounds are used as much as ordinary Espresso but water uses half as much as an ordinary espresso shot. Because coffee grounds are very fine-sized, the produced concentrate is much faster and has more caffeine and more acidity. Therefore, it has innumerable health benefits. 13 health benefits, so I have mentioned above. In addition, it does not put you at risk for obesity. On the contrary, it prevents diseases of the liver, heart, and diabetes.

17. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Pour Over

“Pour-Over” is a typical coffee drink in which you pour boiling water over coffee grounds and then let them brew. That is a centuries-old method of brewing coffee. The health benefits are many; most of them are the same as what I mentioned in the above 13 Health Benefits. In addition, it also protects you from the risk of a heart attack.

18. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Drip Coffee

“Drip Coffee” is the simplest way to make coffee from a coffee machine. It has innumerable health benefits, 13 health benefits, so I have mentioned above. What’s more, the method is very simple, and everyone can make it easier. Furthermore, since it uses a filter, it does not allow enough oil to enter your cup. So if you have a problem with coffee oil, then drip coffee is the best choice for you.

19. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Lungo

“Lungo” is a type of coffee beverage made from an espresso machine in the Italian style of coffee. The 13 Health Benefits of “Lungo” Coffee I have mentioned above. What’s more, it is low in caffeine. And the acidity also decreases. So it’s beneficial for those who have weak stomachs.

20. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Espresso

Espresso “is an Italian-style method of brewing coffee drinks. In Espresso small amount of water is forced to pass through finely-ground coffee beans at a 9–10 bar pressure. Espresso is the mother of various coffee varieties, so espresso health benefits are also in large numbers. Thirteen health benefits, so I have mentioned above. Additionally, it also enhances your memory. We are not afraid of obesity due to not using milk and cream. And if you don’t use sugar, you can get rid of diabetes.

21. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Red Eye Coffee

Red Eye is a type of coffee in which you mix Drip Coffee with Espresso. Its big names are Red Eye, Black Eye, and Dead Eye. It also tastes good, and its health benefits are countless. Many of the health benefits I have outlined in the above thirteen health benefits. Furthermore, you can consume more or less caffeine with Red Eye Coffee.

22. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Nitro Coffee

“Nitro coffee” is a type of cold brew coffee in which cold brew coffee is prepared and infused with nitrogen. Its health benefits are just like cold brew coffee. I have mentioned 13 of its health benefits above. Furthermore, the texture of nitro coffee is thicker. Its mouthfeel is extraordinary. And it has less acidity than hot coffee.

23. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Café au Lait

“Café au Lait” is French-origin coffee. That means with milk. Unlike white coffee, Espresso is mixed with hot milk. Thus, most of the health benefits we have mentioned above. In addition, mixing milk reduces its acidity and caffeine bitterness.

24. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Mazagran

Mazagran is a cold and sweet coffee syrup native to Algeria. The Portuguese version is mixed with lemon, mint, and rum. And the Austrian version offers it with a mixture of ice cubes and rum. Since Mazagran is a cold coffee beverage, its health benefits are also numerous. Most of them I have described above. In addition, ice, mint, and rum enhance the flavor and cool the effect.

25. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Iced Espresso

“Iced Espresso” is the type of EEspressoin in which you brew Espresso with an Espresso machine. Then you cool the Espresso and use it mixed with ice, cold milk, or cream. Or you can shape it in ice cubes and put it in the fridge, and use it within a week or two. There are numerous health benefits of Iced Espresso. Most of the health benefits I mentioned at the beginning of the article above. Plus, it’s a cold brew alternative. If you do not have a cold brew or are not satisfied with the taste or health benefits of cold brew, try the iced coffee. You will enjoy it!

26. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Regular Coffee

A regular coffee in the US in particular and worldwide in general means coffee in which cream and milk are added. Like ordinary coffee, Regular Coffee also has numerous health benefits. Very useful for your stomach and brain. Also beneficial for your memory.

27. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Iced Coffee Latte

“Iced coffee latte” is a type of latte coffee in which latte coffee is brewed and poured over ice. The health benefits of Iced Coffee Latte are the same as the thirteen coffee health benefits described above. In addition, if you have hot gastrointestinal problems, you can use Iced Coffee Latte. This coffee is also good for your kidneys as it is excellent.

28. Health Benefits and Disadvantages Of Galão

“Galão” is a type of coffee native to Portugal. “Galão” is made by mixing 1/4 Espresso with ¾ parts of foamed milk. Its health benefits are numerous, out of which thirteen health benefits I’ve mentioned at the beginning of the article. In addition, because it contains a lot of milk, so it will also give you all the health benefits that milk has. And if milk is beneficial for you, then you should use “Galão.” That is a good choice for you.

How Can You Get More Health Benefits Of Coffee?

If you want to get the most out of the health benefits of your coffee beverage:

  1. Consider coffee a medicine as well as a beverage.
  2. Make coffee an art.
  3. Don’t rely on anyone to make coffee.
  4. Make your coffee drink by yourself.

Coffee from shops cannot give you the health benefits that you can get by making your coffee by yourself.

Study coffee cherry beans and see why coffee beans are different from each other. See the difference between single-origin beans and blends. By the way, I like single-origin only. My blend experience has not been so good. Now I don’t know whether you like single origin or blend, it depends on your experience.

Whether you buy your coffee beans online or offline, grind them with your own hands using a “burr grinder.” Pay special attention to which ground size is required for which brewing method.

Similarly, consider coffee-making machines. Which type of coffee is made from which type of coffee maker? Now you have to think for yourself that the type of “coffee” you are making will become “French Press” or “AeroPress,” or you will have to buy an Espresso machine for it. On the other hand, maybe your coffee recipe will work well with Percolator, Moka, or Single Serve. If the machine is present at home, then fine otherwise, buy from the local market or online.

Also, complete your coffee accessories. Especially for your health benefits, you have to take special care of cleanliness while making coffee. Use gloves when making coffee. Wash your coffee brewing tools such as coffee makers, coffee accessories, and other items before brewing coffee, and re-wash them after use.

Don’t use old coffee beans; they will give you diseases instead of giving you health benefits. Similarly, when the beans are roasted, use them within a month. If you use it after one month, the risks will start instead of health benefits.

Grind as many beans as you required to make your coffee beverage. Because when the ground coffee is lying more and more, the coffee drink made from these old coffee grounds will only give you diseases instead of health benefits. If you take these few precautions, you are more likely to get all the health benefits of your coffee that I have mentioned in this article.

9 Major Brewing Methods 

I divide coffee into nine categories based on health benefits. One of them uses only coffee grounds and water, such as Espresso, Americano, etc. Others include milk, cream, sugar, and other ingredients such as Latte, Macchiato, and Frappuccino.

The third is the “coffee” that is brewed cold, such as cold brew coffee. The fourth is the type that is brewed hot, such as hot brew coffee. The fifth type is brewing cold and then heating before drinking.

The sixth type of coffee is brewed hot then served by pouring it on ice. In the Seventh type, herbs are mixed in “coffee,” such as Mazagran, etc. The eighth is the type in which liquid gas is infused with coffee such as Nitro coffee etc. Finally, the ninth is the type in which wine is mixed with coffee, such as Irish coffee.

Which Brewing Method Is Suitable For Your Health?

Suppose you suffer from obesity or are at risk for obesity or diabetes. In that case, you should drink coffee that does not contain sugar, milk, and cream, such as Espresso, Black Coffee, and Americano. And if you have problems with gastric acidity, you should drink the types of coffee that contain milk and cream, such as Latte and Frappuccino, etc. And if you have overall problems with gastric acidity, obesity, and diabetes, then you can make a habit of Macchiato. Otherwise, you might consult your doctor.

Final Thoughts

Coffee is an excellent gift from God, and we should appreciate it.

Coffee has 99.9% positive effects on the human body. But, more than enough, our physical condition, habits, and temperament interfere with the 1% disadvantages or “coffee” risks.

However, if you drink coffee according to the instructions given by your doctor about your health, coffee will never harm you. Likewise, coffee will never create any problem for you if you drink at least one and at most four cups according to your health and nature.

Coffee contains caffeine, which is hugely beneficial to a reasonable extent. And it will hurt if you use it too much. So first, learn how to make more or less caffeine in your coffee cup. Then, take care of your caffeine.

Stay caffeinated!


How Many Cups of Coffee Can I Take Daily?

The standard size of your black coffee should be eight ounces. One cup (8 ounces) of black coffee contains 96 mg of caffeine. And taking more than 400 mg of caffeine a day can be very harmful to your health. So keep your daily coffee routine within one to four cups. [50]

Does Drinking Coffee With Cream and Sugar Increase Risk of Cancer For Me?

Yes! They increase!

However, if you want to reduce your cancer risk, take your coffee without cream and sugar. Because the added fat and calories to coffee can contribute to weight gain – and your increased weight may increase the risk for many types of cancer. [54]

How Can I Reduce The Risk of Cancer With Drinking Coffee?

You can reduce the risk of cancer by drinking 1 to 4 cups of coffee daily. According to Colleen Doyle, MS, RD, American Cancer Society managing director of nutrition and physical activity, the surest steps any of us can take to lower cancer risk are: don’t smoke, eat well, and be physically active. [55]

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